During the quarantine (and even during regular access and visitation schedules), parents want to keep in touch with their children. Depending upon the child custody arrangement, parents may sometimes find themselves going more than a few days without meaningful contact with their children. Consider utilizing technology to keep your relationship with your child front and centre in her life. Even the youngest child can video chat, so consider these ways to make the most of technology! (Consult a family lawyer if your child’s other parent isn’t on board.)

Photo by Irina Murza on Unsplash
  • Read a bedtime story to your child via video call.
  • Play charades. 
  • Send your child a barbie (or another toy) and get a similar one for yourself. Play by video.
  • Buy two copies of a book and send one to your older child. Do a parent/child book club. (This works with audiobooks or too!)
  • Link your child to an interesting podcast or youtube video every day! (I like SmarterEveryDay.) Discuss through text, chat, or call.
  • Send a funny or inspiring meme to your older child daily.
  • Netflix and chill together! Find a show that is “your show” and watch together via a watch party function. (Or just view simultaneously.) Send your child a digital iTunes card to download a series you can enjoy together.
  • Look up “this day in history” and text or email your child with details of the event that you remember about that time.
  • Play an online game with your child. Various game apps allow players to play intermittently and pick up where the other player left off. Try scrabble.

The key is to make a consistent and predictable routine for contact, but be flexible. The routine should be something the child looks forward to. Also, be sure to respect bedtime routines and the screen time rules in your child’s other home. Your child will know she is an important part of your daily life. If you need a London child access lawyer or more information on custody click here, or reach out. We can help.

This Web site provides general information on family law related matters and should not be relied upon as legal advice. If you would like to retain COYNE LAW to give you legal advice, please contact London/ST. Thomas Family Lawyer Rebecca Coyne, I would be pleased to discuss whether or not the firm can assist you.

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